How is Points Rummy played on Taj rummy?

Points Rummy Variation

Playing Points Rummy on Taj Rummy

"Points Rummy" is a variation of the 13-Card Rummy game where players compete for points. Each point holds a specific 'Rupee value' predetermined before the game starts. The rules of Points Rummy are straightforward and easy to grasp. The winner, who makes a valid declaration first, receives 'zero' points and earns money based on the total points held by the opponents. Conversely, the loser of the game forfeits an amount of money equivalent to the points in their hand.

Among the various formats of the game, Points Rummy is notably the quickest variant of Indian Rummy. It is the sole format that concludes in a single round, making it a 'high risk- high reward' game. Consequently, it is a popular choice among online rummy enthusiasts.

How is Points Rummy played on Taj Rummy?

The Points Rummy variation of the classic Indian Rummy is highly popular on the Taj Rummy platform. Points Rummy is played by 2 to 6 players and requires the use of two packs of cards, each including one printed Joker card. The main objective of the Points Rummy rules is to compete for points, with each point having a predetermined rupee value. In order to join a Points Rummy game, players need to bring a minimum amount to the table.


In Points Rummy, the main goal is to gather the fewest penalty points possible. You need to organize your 13 cards into valid sets and sequences while minimizing the number of ungrouped cards according to the Points Rummy rules. A valid declaration requires at least two sequences, with one of them being a pure sequence. The player who declares first and fulfills the game's objective is declared the winner, receiving zero penalty points. There are penalty points for dropping out of the game. This will be explained in a later section.

Understanding and achieving this main objective while minimizing your points is crucial to playing Points Rummy successfully and becoming a winner. This makes it a strategic card game especially suited to expert players.

Setting the table

At the start of the game, a coin toss is held to determine which player goes first. The player who receives the highest card will have the first chance to draw a card from the deck and start the game. The person sitting to the left of this player becomes the dealer.

After the toss, the two decks of cards are mixed together thoroughly. Each player is then dealt 13 cards in a rotating fashion. The remaining cards are placed face down in the middle of the table, forming the "Closed Deck." The next step involves choosing the joker. Once the joker is chosen, the top card from the deck is revealed and placed in the Open Deck, signaling the start of the game.

Selecting the Joker

The Joker is the most important card in the deck. It can be crucial in determining the winner of the game. Jokers can be used as a substitute for any card in the game. This makes it a very versatile and valuable card.

Once all players have been dealt their cards, one card is selected at random from the Closed Deck. This is the ‘Wild’ or ‘Cut’ Joker. All cards of the same ‘number’ or ‘face’ of any suit are then considered a wild Joker. For example, if 4 is selected as the wild joker, 4, 4 and 4 will also be the wild jokers of that game.

If the Printed Joker is cut, then the Aces of every suit can be used as the Wild Joker.

In a two-deck game, this brings the total number of jokers to 12 (8 Wild Jokers and 4 Printed Jokers)

Wild Jokers may be used as a ‘Joker’ or as the original printed card in a Pure Sequence.

  1. K-Q-J (WJ): Here, “J” is the wild joker. However, it has been used as the J to complete a Pure Sequence.
  2. 4-5(WJ)-6-7: Although 5 is the wild joker, it has been used to connect 4, 6 and 7 to create a Pure Sequence.

Avoid using jokers to create sets, as they can be used more efficiently elsewhere.

Playing the game

Once the table is set and the Joker is cut, the game begins. The player who wins the toss picks a card from the center of the table, decides if they need it to complete their hand, and then discards a card they don't need. Play then continues clockwise around the table.

During the game, it's important to quickly reduce the points in your hand by creating valid sequences and sets and getting rid of high unmelded cards.

Creating Valid Sequences

A Sequence is formed by melding three or more consecutive cards of the same suit. Sequences can either be Pure or Impure.

A “Pure Sequence” is one in which no joker has been used to complete the run. See the examples below:

  1. 5 6 7 (Pure sequence with three cards and no Joker or wild card)
  2. 3 4 5 6 (Pure sequence with four cards. There is no use of Joker or wild cards here)
  3. In an “Impure Sequence,” one or more jokers can be used to complete the run.
  4. 6 7 Q 9 (Here Q has been used as a wild Joker replacing 8 to form an impure sequence)
  5. 5 Q 7 8 PJ (Impure sequence with Q as the wild joker, replacing 6 and the Printed Joker, replacing 9)

Creating Sets

A “Set” is a grouping of three or more cards of the same number or face value of different suits. Jokers can be used to complete any set.

Examples of sets:

  1. A A A (In this set, all the Aces are of different suits, making a valid set)
  2. 8 8 8 8 (Rummy set is formed with four 8 cards of different suits)
  3. 9 Q 9 9 (Here Q has been used as a wild joker replacing 9 to make a set)
  4. 5 5 5 PJ (Printed joker replacing 5 to make a set)*
  5. 5 5 Q PJ (Here Q has been used as a wild joker replacing 5 & Printed joker replacing 5 to make a set)
  6. 5 5 PJ Q Q (This is a set of 5 cards with Printed joker & Q as wild joker replacing 5 5 and one more wild joker Q to complete 13 cards grouping)

Some important points to be noted:

  1. You cannot repeat a suit in a single set. This makes it invalid. Example of invalid sets: A A A (The A is used twice, thus making this an invalid set)
  2. A set typically can contain only 4 cards. The only time when more than 4 cards can form a set, is if jokers are used.

Declaring for the win

Once you have melded all 13 cards into valid sequences and sets, you may declare for the win. To Declare successfully, you must fulfill the following conditions:

  1. You Must have at least 2 valid sequences
  2. You must have at least 1 valid Pure Sequence
  3. All cards have been melded.

You can only declare your hand during your turn. It's important to organize your cards and keep track of which ones will help you complete your hand. You'll only have 30 seconds to decide, rearrange your cards, and declare for the game.

To declare, simply choose the card you want to discard and click the 'Declare' button. This card will then be placed face down in the 'Closed Card' space. Your hand will be evaluated, and if it's valid, you'll be declared the winner. Your opponents will then have 30 seconds to rearrange their cards and declare their hands. Points will be calculated and assigned accordingly.

If another player has already declared before you, take your time to rearrange your cards and minimize the number of points. Sometimes, in the heat of the game, you might not notice a more efficient way to form sequences and sets, which could drastically reduce your points.

Remember, if you or any other player declares without a valid hand, you'll be assigned 80 points and dropped out of the game. The game will continue until someone else successfully declares. So, be absolutely certain of your card combinations before revealing your hand.

Score in Points Rummy

In Points Rummy, the player who achieves the game's objective and finishes first is declared the winner and earns 0 points as the score. If a player drops out of the game, they receive a penalty of either 20 or 40 points based on when they chose to exit the game. For instance, a player who drops in their first turn receives 20 points, while those who drop in subsequent turns get 40 points. Additionally, a player who declares without meeting the game's objective incurs a higher penalty of 80 points.

The scoring system in Points Rummy is determined by the point values of the cards. Face cards - Jacks, Queens, Kings, and Aces - each carry 10 points, while all other numbered cards are worth their face value (e.g., a 7 of any suit is worth 7 points, and a 3 is worth 3 points).

Joker cards are assigned zero points in this system. At the game's end, the losing player's hand score is calculated by adding points for cards that are not part of grouped sets and sequences, with specific exceptions to this calculation.

  1. If the losing player does not have a pure sequence, all the cards in their hand are counted.
  2. If the losing player has a pure sequence but not two sequences, only the pure sequence is excluded from the point calculation.
  3. The maximum penalty a player can incur is 80 points, meaning that even if their hand score is higher, it will be capped at 80 points. Conversely, if a player's hand score is 75, they will receive 75 points as a penalty.

Determining Maximum Points

In Points Rummy, the scoring system caps a player's maximum penalty at 80 points, regardless of the actual value of the cards they hold. This limitation ensures a fair and balanced scoring system for all players, preventing a single player from accumulating an excessive penalty.

Calculation of winnings

In Points Rummy, the player who successfully completes the game and meets the game's objectives emerges as the winner. The player's winnings are calculated based on the total points accumulated by all the opponents in the game, multiplied by the rupee value assigned to each point. The Taj Rummy platform fees are then deducted from this amount to determine the player's net winnings.

Winnings = (Sum of all points that opponents receive) X (Rupee value of the point) - (Taj Rummy platform fees)

For example, let's consider a game where five players participate in a 'Rs.2 Point Value' Points Rummy game. If Player 5 declares and the other four players lose with point scores of 10, 20, 30, and 40, the winner's Cash Prize is calculated as follows:

Cash Prize = (10 + 20 + 30 + 40) points x (Rupee-value of the point)

The net winnings, after deducting Taj Rummy’s platform fees, are then credited to the winner's Taj Rummy account.

The Drop Option in Points Rummy

In Points Rummy, each player has the flexibility to exercise the drop option at any point during their turn throughout the game. The drop option is available when a player has not picked a card from the open or closed deck during their turn. Once you have picked a card at your turn, you can no longer drop at that turn.. You will need for play to go around the table before you once again have the option to drop.

There are three types of drop options:

  1. First Drop: If a player decides to drop the game in their very first turn, they incur a penalty of 20 points.
  2. Middle Drop: Players who choose to drop the game in any turn following the first turn are penalized with 40 points.
  3. Consecutive Misses: A player who misses five consecutive turns (of 30 seconds each) is automatically dropped out of the Point Rummy game. This occurrence is considered a middle drop and carries a penalty of 40 points. The consecutive misses option prevents players from intentionally delaying the game.

Tips for playing Points Rummy on Taj Rummy

PWhen it comes to playing Points Rummy on Taj Rummy, get ready for an exciting blend of strategy and skill. Rest assured, Taj Rummy prioritizes a smooth, fair, and secure Points Rummy experience, making it the go-to choice for players seeking an authentic and enjoyable rummy experience.

Here are some insider tips to elevate your game:

  1. Meld the Pure Sequence first.
  2. Ensure you have two sequences within your first turn (this means if you need more than 2 cards to complete them, consider dropping out of the Point Rummy game)
  3. Since the purpose is to minimize points, evaluate the number of points in your hand against the points for Dropping, and consider it as a strategic move.

Don’t forget these are the points you will be given:

2, 2, 2, 2 2 points
3, 3, 3, 3 3 points
4, 4, 4, 4 4 points
5, 5, 5, 5 5 points
6, 6, 6, 6 6 points
7, 7, 7, 7 7 points
8, 8, 8, 8 8 points
9, 9, 9, 9 9 points
10, 10, 10, 10 10 points
J, Q, K, A of (, , , ) 10 points
  1. First Drop: 20 points
  2. Middle Drop: 40 points
  3. Consecutive Drops: 40 points
  4. Maximum penalty: 80 points

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You can reach out to Taj Rummy's support team 24/7 for the best rummy experience. Contact our customer support team using your registered email ID at to address any concerns or issues. Rest assured, our representatives will respond promptly to assist you.

Disclaimer: This game has the potential to become habit-forming or financially risky. Please play responsibly.

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